Sunday, October 24, 2010

Riddler - Leigh

The Riddler is probably my favourite Batman villain, yet I've never read a story about the character that I've really liked.


  1. Like many of Bat's bad guys, I loved the stories with him in them from the animated cartoon.

  2. Dark Knight Dark City, a three issue ark 452-454 of Batman by Peter Milligan is a pretty good Riddler story... he's also pretty good in a supporting role in a few other stories. Easily my fav bats villain, conceptually, but really hard to pull off a really good story, because writing good riddles is too freeking hard. Its like the demon entrigan speaking in rhyme; great idea, but it only really works when Alan Moore does it in swamp thing. Actually my fav riddler story Ive ever read was actually fan fic by this guy Damos on his livejournal. It was brilliant, good riddles that were hard but not impossible to figure out, an interesting crime... made me wish DC had a more open submissions policy (and not just so I could submit something easier). Sure, he's had other stories to avoid (supes/bats slash fiction, which, is fine in theory, except I cant get past the `its out of character and what midnighter and apollo are for', thing) but some of his other stories are great. Yes, Ive spent significant time looking for good riddler fan fic. What?

  3. I like the pose here Leigh well done!

  4. I've found most Riddler stories are the disgruntled employee, and I just think the character is smarter than that. Sheldon from Big Bang theory is probably the closet thing I've seen to how I'd like to see him written(pure intellect, no social skills, but with a want for attention).
