Monday, October 18, 2010

Batman Villians - The Penguin - Dean

Hi all - painting seems to be a fortnightly treat for me at the moment so please excuse that this one is late in sequence! I went for the penguin and I was inspired by these awesome Victorian star wars illustrations I saw somewhere on the net. I grew up watching the TV series after school, so I wanted to interpret that 60's TV penguin but with a bigger penguin like nose. I was trying to go for a half aggressive snarl, half "play it cool, but I think I may be in the poo" kind of look with a little treat for the detail focused in the monocle...enjoy.


  1. Top notch Dean, this could easily make a front cover of a comic or a poster. I love the squint in the left eye and the old school look to it.

  2. Great job on the light in this one, too!

  3. This goes for you too, Captain!:
    Hey guys, when you post at the bottom of the post box there is a labels section. Put your google name, the Theme name (it should pop up automatically eg. Mythology) and and any other labels in there (eg Zeus).
    That way we can catologue the themes and your work easily!

  4. Sorry Andi - I must have overlooked the categories part of the post section... - I just assumed it was an administrator thing but I'll look harder next time :)

  5. The 60's TV villians were the best. Another great post Dean.
    Ha ha ha Admin Nazi strikes again! Guys if you remember to tag and post with your name in the heading - cool. If not Im more than happy to edit the posts. The Important thing is for you guys to concentrate on doing the art whenever you can, the rest is not a big deal.

  6. Wow, consistently awesome work! Man that is a subtle expression to capture and I think you've pulled it off! Well done!

  7. Man, that is excellent! It's so real...
